Benefits of becoming a JAG military lawyer

Serving as a military lawyer in the department of Judge Advocate General has turned out to be the most sought-after profession among both fresh law graduates as well as experienced lawyers alike. This is for the reason that by working as a JAG military lawyer, it will fetch the entity several financial benefits, in addition to base pay. These benefits include health care free of cost as well as free housing if the lawyers prefer to live on base. Those who are living outside the base can take pleasure in getting a handsome housing allowance, which is exempted from income tax. However, these allowances may vary consistent on the place of work, but they will aid those lawyers significantly in meeting the entire expenses related to their housing facilities.

Another major benefit of working as a JAG military lawyer in JAG's section is that the legal professional is entitled to enjoy the forgiveness facility of a Public Service Loan. Moreover, all the military departments of India, such as Army, Navy, and Air Force, offer liberal education loans to the wards of JAG military attorneys, in addition to enjoying the student loan clemency programs. If you are a JAG officer, you have to keep up your physical as well as mental health in perfect condition. It will aid you considerably in remaining in shape throughout your legal career. You will also be capable of enjoying all financial as well as service benefits until you retire from your JAG military attorney service.

Additionally, any JAG military lawyer who served the Indian military for 20 years is entitled to all military retirement benefits. You will be capable of receiving other services and other benefits after your retirement, as well. Therefore, if you are a young lawyer in your late 20s, you will be capable of joining JAG, working for the department for 20 years, and getting a complete military retirement before your 50s. You can quit your military service with noteworthy experience as well as job prospects. Otherwise, you will also be capable of providing the public with a variety of legal services through your private practice.

There are several considerations to be made in exchange for all the immense benefits of working as a JAG military lawyer. You may need to serve the military for a minimum period of four years actively and usually an additional period of four years in an inactive position afterward. The liberty to change occupations, take leaves, and many more features of day-by-day life are limited. You will most probably not reside in one place for long. You will usually be allocated to military bases at a time for two years, with likely deployments to other places during that time. Your family members can accompany you to your assignments, but not on operations, which can be for numerous months at a time.

Finally, when you are appointed as a JAG military lawyer, you may need to undergo comprehensive training, as well. The initial training for JAGs can be tricky for you with your family. The duration of the training will usually be six weeks, which focuses on developing your military tactics and leadership skills.


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