Benefits of becoming a JAG military lawyer

Serving as a military lawyer in the department of Judge Advocate General has turned out to be the most sought-after profession among both fresh law graduates as well as experienced lawyers alike. This is for the reason that by working as a JAG military lawyer , it will fetch the entity several financial benefits, in addition to base pay. These benefits include health care free of cost as well as free housing if the lawyers prefer to live on base. Those who are living outside the base can take pleasure in getting a handsome housing allowance, which is exempted from income tax. However, these allowances may vary consistent on the place of work, but they will aid those lawyers significantly in meeting the entire expenses related to their housing facilities. Another major benefit of working as a JAG military lawyer in JAG's section is that the legal professional is entitled to enjoy the forgiveness facility of a Public Service Loan. Moreover, all the military departments of India, s...